Thursday, 23 March 2017

What’s The Difference Between Delta 8 and Delta 9?

Since weed is becoming legalized in more states through the United States, we are seeing a plethora of new cannabis products being released each year. Some people may not be familiar with Delta-8 or Delta-9, and that’s okay. The weed that you are most used to smoking on a regular basis, and the high that you are most familiar with, is most likely from Delta-9 THC. This is probably the THC that fills the shelves of your local dispensary and gives you that great after work high that you have become so used to.

However, Delta-8 is also something that you should be considering when it comes to using marijuana. What is Delta-8? It’s also a form of cannabis found in hemp. In 1975, there was cancer research done with both Delta-8 and Delta-9 THC on mice. The actual purpose of this study was to see if these products could suppress the immune system and aid in the development of cancerous cells and tumors in the body. Do you know what the researchers found? Instead of harming the mice, Delta-8 actually showed that it had cancer fighting properties. Believe it or not, the Delta-8 THC actually displayed an ability to kill cancer cells in certain situations.

Another study was done later that displayed Delta-8 THC’s ability to reduce cancer tumors and help in the recovery process. So what became of this research? After all, this was so long ago. Well, since these studies were done in the 70s, there have been a lot more studies done to see how cannabinoids can help fight cancer cells in the body and ultimately help protect people from forming various types of cancer. Interestingly, cancer is now one of the qualifying conditions on many states medical marijuana programs. And we owe it all to this research! 

It’s safe to say that we still don’t know all there is to know about cannabis. In fact, we really have not been studying the medical properties of marijuana for very long, meaning that there is still a lot for us to learn. One thing that we do know, however, is that weed is getting stronger and stronger as we continue to grow and produce it. Years ago, the level of THC found in cannabis was much lower than what you can expect to find in popular marijuana plants nowadays.

For some people, smoking for the first time can leave them a pretty bad spot since they have a very low tolerance. For other people, their tolerance is much higher because they have consumed much more cannabis. We know that the human body tends to develop tolerances for any kind of drug, including tobacco and alcohol. Heck, even prescription medications eventually need to be increased in dosage level once our body has grown accustomed to it. With that being said, it may be important to notice the levels of THC slowly increasing in the weed that our generations have been smoking. While it used to be an average of 4% THC in the early 90s, we are now looking at cannabis with 20-40% THC levels instead.

There is research that shows that too much THC can actually hurt our brains. With THC levels continuing to increase as we grow more and more tolerant, when will we need to put a cap on potency levels? Well, some states are actually already putting barriers on the potency of cannabis being grown and sold in that state. Colorado and Washington are examples of these states. I know that this article does not necessarily talk enough about Delta-8 or Delta-9, but I hope that you still were able to learn something1

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